Iraq’s statement at the United Nations’ First Disarmament Committee

Iraq presented a statement of the thematic discussions of the First Committee, which is currently holding its meetings in New York, in which it stressed the importance of the three pillars of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which is witnessing a clear imbalance represented in the interest in the disarmament system at the expense of the non-proliferation regime, Stressing the importance of implementing the obligations stipulated under this treaty, which constitute the incentive behind the accession of the state’s parties to it.

The statement called for the need to overcome the challenges faced by the 2015 NPT Review Conference, in order to reach a final document that meets the concerns of all countries at the Tenth NPT Review Conference, to be held early next year. Iraq urged the international community to make unremitting efforts to not militarize space and prevent an arms race in it, welcoming all international initiatives aimed at reaching a binding legal instrument to prevent the weaponization of outer space.

Iraq,  also referred to the risks and threats posed by the phenomenon of the indiscriminate spread of small arms and light weapons, and their illicit trade and accumulation, to the security and stability of countries and their societies, and thus the need to work and support efforts to curb this phenomenon.

Iraq also called on the international community to continue its support by increasing the number of teams of national and foreign organizations working in the national program to conduct survey and removal work, build national capacities, and assist and rehabilitate victims.