Security Council welcomed the report issued by the United Nations Secretary-General on electoral procedures in Iraq and the assistance efforts provided by (UNAMI)

The Security Council welcomed the report issued by the United Nations Secretary-General on electoral procedures in Iraq and the assistance efforts provided by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) pursuant to Council Resolution 2576 (2021), and the positive assessment of the UNAMI International Team of Election Observers. The Security Council congratulates the Government of Iraq and the Independent National Electoral Commission for their Conducting elections with good technical management and peacefully on 10/10/202.

In the same context, the Security Council welcomed the findings of UNAMI and the Independent Electoral Commission, and the congruence between partial manual counting at polling stations and electronic results.

The Council commended the Iraqi people’s commitment to electoral procedures in light of the changing security challenges and acknowledged the role of UNAMI in supporting the efforts of the Government of Iraq and the Independent Election Commission in planning and implementing free and fair elections led and owned by Iraq.

On the other hand, the Security Council condemned the assassination attempt against Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhemi on 11/07/2021, and condemned threats of violence against UNAMI, the Independent Election Commission and others.

The Security Council regrets the use of violence to address elections-related challenges and calls on all political parties to follow legal and peaceful paths to resolve these challenges. The Security Council also condemns any attempt aimed at weakening confidence in the elections.

Also, called on all parties to respect the legal mechanisms and to allow the judiciary to review the appeals in a peaceful and independent atmosphere, stressing that; those illiterate officials will continue to monitor any illegal attempts to undermine the electoral process.