Security, peace and stability in the Middle East region, the focus of the emergency and high-level session of the United Nations General Assembly

Security, peace and stability in the Middle East region, the focus of the emergency and high-level session of the United Nations General Assembly to discuss the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories, and the extent of the Israeli devastation and bombardment of the besieged Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

Ambassador Muhammad Hussein Bahr al-Uloom delivered the statement of Iraq in which he confirmed:

The status in the occupied Palestinian territories will not achieve peace nor bring stability to the region, and the international community must put an end to the suffering of the Palestinian people who are prevented from practicing their religious rites and defenseless civilians are targeted, also, are constantly subjected to forced displacement from their lands and arbitrary detention in the prisons of the occupation.

Iraq affirms its total rejection of settlement and aggressive policies aimed to change the demographic and ethnic aspects in the occupied lands.

Iraq calls on all countries to move forward in supporting the Palestinian people to obtain their natural and legal right to establish their independent state, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.