Security Council session on the situation in Iraq, the vision of Iraq and the progress made in light of the partnership with the United Nations.

The Security Council held a session on the situation in Iraq on Tuesday morning, 5/11/2021. The members of the Security Council listened to the report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of (UNAMI) Mission Mrs. Janine Plasschaert on the latest developments in the Iraqi scene. The permanent representative of Iraq to the United Nations, His Excellency Ambassador Muhammad Hussein Bahr Al-Uloom, also presented Iraq’s statement, which focused on the following points:

  •  Work according to timelines and in a vigorous pace to carry out economic and health reforms to face the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic and to manage the country’s economic resources.
  • Holding early parliamentary elections and preparing the necessary requirements for their success, in a free, fair, and democratic environment, with an emphasis on Iraq’s request from the Security Council to support electoral observation, as a key part of the reform program and produce a government that reflects the will of the Iraqi voter, and Iraq’s commitment to provide the necessary security protection for international observers.
  • Iraq’s commitment to fully protect the diplomatic missions residing on its territory and to pursue outlaw groups that try to destabilize the security and stability of Iraq.
  • The war on terror continues to hinder the Iraqi government’s work in development, but Iraq is committed to cooperate with the international community by laying clear and positive foundations for the sustainability of cooperation, as in the strategic dialogue with the United States, and legislating laws to redress victims of terrorism in the Yazidi Female Survivors Law.
  • Cooperating with the various Iraqi audiences, especially the youth, listening to their demands, fulfilling the obligations towards the demonstrators, respecting human rights, ensuring full respect for the constitutional right to peaceful protest, pursuing criminal gangs that undermine any of the constitutional rights, and asserting that there is no impunity in accordance with the law.
  • The continuation of joint action between Iraq and its neighbor, State of Kuwait, in a positive manner, while respecting the obligations contained in the Security Council resolutions.