Iraq: The international community must make efforts to prosecute ISIS criminals in order to achieve justice for its victims among the Iraqi people.

The Iraqi government called on the United Nations to activate its decisions regarding drying up the financial sources of terrorism, and stressing the need to make more efforts to prosecute those involved and supporters of ISIS with the disclosure of the criminals of that organization to achieve justice for its Iraqi victims, this came during a speech delivered by the Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United Nations, Ambassador Mohammad Hussain Bahr Al-Uloom.

In his speech, Ambassador Mohammed Hussein Bahr Al-Uloom, at the Security Council session on 10/12/2020 to discuss the fifth report of the international investigation team to collect, preserve and store evidence in Iraq about the crimes committed by ISIS, said that; the Iraqi government’s praise of Resolution 2544 of 2020, which includes approval on the request to extend the mandate of the investigation team to enhance accountability for crimes committed by ISIS for one year.

He stressed, Iraq is looking forward to exerting more effort and attention to prosecute those involved, supporters and financiers of the terrorist organization ISIS financially, logistically and cyber, in addition to the crimes of oil smuggling and the effects that the organization exercised during its period of control.

Ambassador Bahr Al-Uloom added that our government stresses the need to expedite the reveal of criminals in order to achieve justice for the victims of the Iraqi People and to ensure that these terrorist organizations do not return again, and to thwart any terrorist plans aimed at destabilizing international peace and security.

The Iraqi government also affirms the activation of the UN decisions concerned with combating terrorism, drying up financial sources, monitoring and exchanging information on terrorist movements, determining their nationalities, controlling borders to ensure the flow of foreign terrorists, monitoring the methods, means and networks they use, and working to dismantle them.

On the occasion of the third anniversary of the victory over ISIS, which coincides with this day, Ambassador Bahr Al-Uloom, on behalf of Iraq, thanked all the countries that supported and still support Iraq in his war against terrorism, with reaffirmation of the international community’s call to provide support and assistance to the international investigation team to complete its mission to the end.