Permanent Representative delivered the speech of Iraq during Security Council Session on the situation in Iraq

The Permanent Representative participated in the virtual public session held by the Security Council on the morning of Tuesday, November 24, regarding the situation in Iraq. Where he delivered the speech of Iraq, which included an overview of the most important developments that Iraq has witnessed in various fields. Stressing the Iraqi government’s keenness to fulfill its obligations towards the people, especially by meeting the demands of the demonstrators through an integrated reform program. For this purpose, the government gives top priority in its government program to creating the appropriate conditions for holding free, fair and comprehensive early elections in June 2021.

In this regard, Iraq submitted a request to the Security Council in which it looks forward to a greater role for the United Nations through the United Nations Special Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) in the framework of electoral support that includes electoral observation.

He stressed the Iraqi government’s keenness to make efforts to meet the current challenges, the most important of which are (the health crisis associated with the Corona pandemic, the financial crisis, combating terrorism, protecting demonstrators, and providing the necessary protection for diplomatic missions).

In his speech, the permanent representative also valued the efforts of the international community to support Iraq, stressing Iraq’s keenness to cooperate in various fields by strengthening friendship bonds, especially with neighboring countries in order to play a positive role in enhancing regional security and stability. Stressing at the same time that Iraq is looking for balanced relations based on mutual respect and non-interference in internal affairs, and that Iraq will not be an arena for conflict or confrontation. Iraq reiterates his call to the international community to stop the violations of Iraqi sovereignty.

Regarding relations with Kuwait, the permanent Representative affirmed Iraq’s full commitment to fulfilling its obligations in accordance with the relevant Security Council resolutions. Welcome to the Kuwaiti authorities’ announcement of the identification of the remains of seven missing Kuwaitis from among the remains of 69 missing persons believed to belong to Kuwaiti nationals who were handed over by the Iraqi authorities in two groups in August. 2019 and September 2020, as well as the payment of $ 230 million in compensation on October 28, 2020.