With the participation of the Permanent Representative, the Permanent Mission of Netherlands holds a meeting on the developments of the situation in Iraq


The Permanent Representative participated in the virtual meeting held by the Permanent Mission of the Netherlands on Tuesday November 24, 2020 regarding “developments in the situation in Iraq” and the efforts of the United Nations Special Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) with the participation of Mrs. Jennin Plasschaert, Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Iraq, and a large number Of the permanent representatives of the member states interested in following up on Iraqi affairs, especially the newly elected countries for membership of the Security Council for the period (2021-2022), the countries neighboring Iraq and a number of European countries.

The permanent Representative gave an overview of developments in the situation in Iraq, especially in the political, security and economic aspects, referring to Iraq’s request to strengthen international support for Iraq in the field of electoral assistance in light of the government’s directions to enhance the level of public confidence in the procedures followed in preparing for and preparing for elections to ensure their freedom and integrity.

He also stressed Iraq’s keenness to fulfill its obligations in order to secure its deliberate diplomatic missions and prevent any attacks that would endanger missions and their personnel, as well as to move forward in order to impose the rule of law and combat terrorism and prevent outlaw groups from attacking the demonstrators.

He also indicated that the Iraqi government is committed to the principles of human rights in accordance with international law and the Iraqi constitution, and seeks to enhance the role of women and youth in promoting stability and political life. The priority of Iraq’s foreign policy is cooperation with neighboring countries and the region. in this regard, he referred to the efforts of Iraqi diplomacy through mutual visits and holding meetings with the countries of the region for the purpose of strengthening friendship, finding common solutions to the current challenges and enhancing stability in the region.

On the other hand, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Iraq provided an overview of the efforts of her mission in Iraq and the developments in the political, security, economic and health conditions, praising the Iraqi government’s keenness to provide adequate conditions to facilitate the mission’s work to carry out its tasks in accordance with the mandate entrusted to it under Security Council Resolution 2522 (2020) and cooperation in the field of Preparing for early elections, especially by meeting the necessary legal requirements to prepare for elections, as well as Iraq’s commitment to provide protection for diplomatic missions, strengthening efforts to combat terrorism, enforcing the law, and confining weapons to the state, stressing the need for greater efforts in this area.