Iraq’s statement on the General Debate of Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly at its 75th Session

At the opening of the meetings of the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly, the Attaché / Zahraa Muhammad Salih delivered the speech of Iraq today, October 7, 2020. She emphasized Iraq’s commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights in line with international instruments and laws, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and Iraq’s commitment to the principles of the United Nations Charter, while reiterating that the Iraqi constitution, in its second chapter, sets articles on freedoms and the right to equality, such as freedom of belief, religion and opinion.

The Attaché reiterated that the Iraqi government has set social protection programs aim at achieving an integrated social protection system among social safety nets in order to work towards empowering youth and people in vulnerable situations, especially those with special needs and the elderly. In addition, she added that the two laws of the Social Protection Network and Social Security guarantee protection for the elderly working in the private sector and enable them to live in safety and dignity. The statement also emphasized that Iraq supports the call for the establishment of a specific international instrument dedicated to elderly persons, as well as the need to implement the goals of sustainable development that is based on the international human rights framework.