Permanent Representative delivers Iraq’s speech at the side event “Strengthening commitments to prevent, respond to, and protect against sexual and gender-based violence in humanitarian crises.”

On the sidelines of the General Assembly meetings, the Permanent Representative delivered the speech of Iraq at the side event organized by the UAE, Norway and Somalia, entitled: “Strengthening commitments to prevent, respond to, and protect against sexual and gender-based violence in humanitarian crises.”

Where he affirmed Iraq’s continued commitment to implementing the joint statement in partnership with the Special Representative on sexual violence in conflict situations; Although we regret that the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General has not been able to achieve its objectives due to the overlap between the relevant United Nations bodies operating in Iraq, which has negatively affected the survivors.

“Iraq, in coordination with the United Nations Population Fund, and in cooperation with civil society organizations, has developed a national strategy to combat violence against women and girls, which will serve as a guiding tool to prevent and respond to the needs of women and girls as well as raising awareness against negative gender stereotypes.”

His Excellency also praised the active role of civil society organizations in the context of sexual and gender-based violence, as they helped provide important inputs to the domestic violence bill and the survivors bill.