beginning of the high-level meetings of the seventy-fifth session of the United Nations General Assembly

Today, 9/22/2020, the high-level meetings of the seventy-fifth session of the United Nations General Assembly began under the theme entitled “The future we want, the United Nations we seek: our collective commitment to multilateralism.” The statements of the Heads of States and Governments addressed the need for concerted international efforts to support multilateral diplomacy in order to face current challenges such as the public health crisis represented by the COVID-19 pandemic, armed conflicts, international terrorism, climate change, economic inequality, social injustice, extreme poverty, the humanitarian crisis of the internally displaced and the emigrants, the increase in the level of armaments in all kinds, and the malignant cyber-attacks.

The statements also called for the utmost importance of raising the level of international cooperation in order to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, to leave no one behind. It is worth noting that H.E. the President of the Republic of Iraq, Dr. Barham Salih will address the General Assembly tomorrow 9/23/2020 between 9AM and 3PM (EST). Therefore, the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Iraq to the United Nations kindly invites all Iraqis and friends around the World to watch the statement of H.E. Dr. Barham Salih.