Speech of Iraq at the plenary session of the First Committee

Counselor Sarmad Mowaffaq al-Taie delivered a speech on 14/10/2019 at the general debate of the First Committee, in which he pointed to the Iraqi government’s emphasis on the importance of keeping nuclear disarmament at the top of the international agenda pyramid as approved by the first special session of the United Nations General Assembly devoted And the need for the commitment of all States to pursue negotiations leading to disarmament in all its aspects under strict international control.

All States parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) needed to show more flexibility and political will for the success of the Treaty Review Conference scheduled for next year. All States parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) needed to show more flexibility and political will for the success of the Treaty Review Conference scheduled for next year.

He recalled the importance of the role played by the United Nations Disarmament Commission (UNDC), as the multilateral deliberative body concerned with disarmament issues within the United Nations. It is important to adopt recommendations and exchange discussions that will contribute to any future negotiations on disarmament, especially nuclear disarmament.