The Permanent Representative attended the annual remembrance ceremony for the victims of the United Nations employees


The Permanent Representative, Ambassador Mohammed Bahr Al-Uloom, attended the annual remembrance ceremony for the victims of the United Nations employees who died as a result of the terrorist bombing of the United Nations headquarters in the Canal Hotel in Baghdad on 19/8/2003. The ceremony took place at United Nations Headquarters in New York on 19/8/2019, in the presence of the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ms. Amina Mohammed, and several permanent representatives of States, in addition to the United Nations staff and the staff of the Iraqi Mission.

The Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ms. Amina Mohamed, accompanied by the Permanent Representative, Ambassador Mohamed Bahr El-Uloom, laid a wreath of flowers. Ms. Amina Mohammed addressed the occasion, where she said “those who attack the United Nations want to We cherish the memory of these brave and dedicated humanitarian workers fear, feel weak and retreat, but those who honor them today inspire us to be bold and determined to move forward. Their legacy is enduring and never present among families and colleagues”.