Permanent Representative met with Chairman of the Global Partnership Forum


New York on 14/8/2019, The Permanent Representative of the Republic of Iraq to the United Nations, Ambassador Mohammed Hussein Bahr Al-Uloom, met with the Chairman of the Global Partnership Forum, Mr. Amir A. Dossal.

Mr Dossal briefed the Ambassador on the proposal to hold a high-level forum during the 74th session of the UN General Assembly on 26/9/2019, to which leaders from government, business and civil society will be invited.

The event will focus on creative partnerships to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, stressing that among the objectives of the event is to address the progress made by Iraq towards the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs, as well as employ the event as a platform to promote investment opportunities in Iraq.

For his part, the Permanent Representative highlighted the importance of achieving partnerships between governments and the business sector to achieve the desired development goals.