The Permanent Mission of Iraq participated in the ceremony held by the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS)

The Permanent Mission of Iraq participated mainly with the Missions of Norway, Poland and Mali at the ceremony held by the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) on 4/4/2019 on the occasion of the International Mine Awareness Day.

The Permanent Representative, Ambassador Mohammed Bahr al-Uloom, made a statement on the occasion, referring to the dangers of explosive devices and IEDs abandoned by the terrorist organization ISIS, which impeded the return of the civilian population to their homes in the liberated areas.

He explained that the Iraqi government is giving priority to remove the dangers of explosive devices and IEDs as an essential step before embarking on any rehabilitation or reconstruction of infrastructure or major residential buildings. Rehabilitation and reconstruction activities are crucial for the re-establishment of basic services and the safe return of people to their homes in the liberated areas.

He also referred to the services provided in the area of mine risk awareness to the affected population and coordination between the UN and Iraqi national authorities.