Permanent Representative attended the General Assembly session on the situation in Ukraine

On Wednesday, 20 February, The Permanent Representative attended the formal session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, on the situation in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine, during which the States Members of the United Nations heard the statement of Mr. Petro Poroshenko, President of Ukraine. Also, statements delivered by representatives of some European States, Canada and the United States in favor of Ukraine. It should be noted that the speech of the Ukrainian president has confirmed that since 20/2/2014, Ukraine is facing the Russian military aggression on its territory, which constitutes 7% of Ukraine. The Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation stressed that the signing of the package of measures for the implementation of the Minsk Conventions on 12/2/2015 is a milestone in the international efforts to help reach a settlement in Ukraine.