A business lunch brings the UK Permanent Representative together with the Iraqi Permanent Representative

February 5th 2019,The Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom convened a business lunch for the Permanent Representative, in which they discussed the priorities of the Iraqi government’s work including: openness to the international community, Iraq’s relations with neighboring countries and the challenges that Iraq may face during the next five years. Also, Reference was made to the importance of following up the outcomes of the Kuwait International Conference on Iraq Reconstruction.

They discussed the most important issues related to the International Investigation Team (UNITAD), which was formed in accordance with Resolution 2379 (2017) and to proceed with the mechanism of selecting the Iraqi team to join the international team, as well as they discussed the main obstacles facing the UNITAD work. The Permanent Representative stressed the keenness of Iraq to implement the provisions of the Security Council resolution as stipulated in the terms of reference of the investigation team.

The Permanent Representative affirmed her country’s support for the political process in Iraq, the international investigation team as well as the Kingdom’s keenness on the unity and security of Iraq as it constitutes the security of the entire region