Participation of the Ddelegation of Iraq in the meetings of Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) under item 55

Participation of the Ddelegation of Iraq in the meetings of Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) under item 55 on the Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories. On 13/11/2018, Mr. Alaa M. Ridha Najaf delivered a speech in which he praised the role of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories for its continued efforts to uncover the illegal practices committed by the Occupying Power of (Israel) against the brotherly Palestinian people. He also stressed the need to oblige the Occupying Power to provide all judicial guarantees for detainees from the occupied territories in accordance with fair trial procedures and standards, and to call upon all States Parties to the 4th Geneva Convention to assume their responsibilities to the provisions of this Convention in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, by calling (Israel) to stop violations of international law and international humanitarian law and halt the establishment of settlements on Palestinian territory, and to end the continuous attempts to change the demographic composition of Al-Quds Al-Sharif. He also referred to the welcome of the Government of the Republic of Iraq to the General Assembly Resolution on the Protection of Palestinian Civilians and to the Secretary-General’s latest report, which included options for the Protection of Palestinian Civilians, affirming the right of the Palestinian people to establish their independent State with East Jerusalem as its capital within 1967 borders.