Iraqi delegation meeting with the President of the Security Council

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H.E. Mr. Mohammed Al-Sudani Minister of Labour and Social Affairs of the Republic of Iraq and Permanent Representative Ambassador Mohamed Ali Alhakim met the Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, president of the Security Council for February, 2015. During the meeting, both H.E. the Minister and permanent representative extended the appreciation of the Republic of Iraq to China’s support to Iraq at the United Nations and the anticipation of the Iraqi Government for more future support and cooperation within the framework of the United Nations. Additionally they urged the president of the Security Council to continue intensifying the international community assistance to fight terrorism in Iraq and to invite all Member States to abide by Security Council resolutions 2170 to 2178. 

The Permanent Representative pointed that Iraq supports the new resolution being discussed by the Security Council Member States concerning the cut of financing of terrorist entities like ISIL and Al-Nussra by preventing oil smuggling.