Meeting of Minister of Labour and Social Affairs and Permanent Representative with the Secretary-General of the United Nations

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H.E. Mr. Mohammad Al-Sudani Minister of Labour and Social Affairs and Permanent Representative Ambassador Mohamed Ali Alhakim met the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-moon on the evening of Thursday, 05/02/2015. They reviewed the war on terrorism and the victims left behind from dead, displaced and disabled, and further discussed what the government measures to alleviate their suffering, and the challenges facing the social, economic and environmental development in Iraq due to previous wars and terrorism. The Minister of Labour invited the UN organization and the international community to support Iraq, and assist in the development of expertise and competency for both public and private sectors to increase the efficiency of the market and create more jobs to reduce unemployment as well as create a supportive environment for foreign investment to grow and enhance the economy. For his part, the secretary-general welcomed the visit and assured that the UN organization will support Iraq in the war against terrorism and continue through the United Nations programmes in Iraq provide advice and help in the development of different sectors, capacity building and skills.