The Delegation of Iraq delivers a speech at First Committee meetings under item – Conventional Weapons

On 29 October, Counselor Hassanein Hadi delivered the speech of Iraq under item Conventional weapons at the meetings of the First Committee on Disarmament and International Security.

He referred to the catastrophic effects of conventional weapons, which are no different in their effects on weapons of mass destruction.

 Also, he mentioned that the Government of Iraq reaffirms the importance of redoubling the efforts of the international community to establish an integrated system to combat the illicit trade of small arms and light weapons of all kinds and to prohibit their export to conflict zones as well as control their movement across borders to achieve a peaceful and secure world.

 Finally, he pointed to the danger of mines and explosives from war debris, pointing to the efforts of Iraqi institutions in preparing contingency plans for liberated areas in order to secure the safe return of displaced persons