Permanent Representative of Iraq delivers Iraq’s statement at the United nations on the International Day Against Nuclear Tests

0n 6/9/2018, H.E. Ambassador Mohammed Bahr Al-Uloom the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Iraq delivers the statement of Iraq at the Unite Nations high level forum on the International Day Against Nuclear Tests.

He pointed out that the impacts of the race in armaments were expanding the forms of destruction and various sectors of life were suffered.

He stressed the importance of exerting efforts for the complete and final elimination of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction in order to reach a world free from these catastrophic weapons as well as to secure a peaceful and prosperous future for all.

He reiterated Iraq’s position as a facilitator, jointly with the Kingdom of Belgium, of Article 14 of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, reaffirmed its readiness to cooperate with the international community in order to expedite the entry into force of the Treaty and to achieve a world free of nuclear testing as well as to contribute to the enhancement of international peace and security.