General Assembly Adopts Resolution on Protecting Palestinian Civilians


13/06/2018, The General Assembly of United Nations held an emergency meeting to vote on a draft resolution on the protection of the Palestinians civilian population presented by Algeria on behalf of the Arab Group at United Nations. This resolution comes after the violence escalation on the borders between Gaza and Israel due to the Great Marsh Return launched by the Palestinians since 30/03/2018, which demands the right of return of the Palestinians refuges and lift the siege imposed by Israel since mid-2007.

With 120 votes in favor, 8 against and 45 abstain; the General Assembly of United Nations adopts the resolution that urges to protect the Palestinians civilian population. At the same time, the United States of America filed to add an amendment to the draft resolution condemning Hamas.

The resolution reaffirmed the necessity to adopt concrete steps to ensure the safety and protection of civilians, as well as, accountability against all violations considering the late escalation of conflict between Palestinians and Israeli occupation forces. The resolution also decries any use of excessive, disproportionate and indiscriminate force by the Israelis against the civilian Palestinians.

In the same context, the Permanent Representative of Iraq assured that Iraq’s vote (in favor of) to the resolution due to the firm believe of the right of Palestinians of independent state with east journalism as its capital, emphasizing  on the right of the Palestinians in protection from attacks and the use of excessive force that the occupying forces are practicing against unarmed civilians.