Iraq to the Vote 2018

5/10/2018, Iraqi legislative elections began today for Iraqi nationals residing outside Iraq as the Independent High Electoral Commission opened several polling stations outside Iraq including 18 stations in the United States of America.

The polling stations in the States of New York and New Jersey opened today from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM and will remain open for two days (10-11/5/2018). The Permanent Representative of the Republic of Iraq to the United Nations in New York, H.E. Mohammed Hussien Bahr Al-Oloum and the staff of the Permanent Mission cast their vote. During a chat with Iraqi electors the Iraqi Ambassador stressed that elections are the cornerstone of the democratic process and pivotal to a peaceful transfer of power as well as the best way to progress and change.

Iraqi elections represent a big hope and they open a new outlook which reflects Iraqi people’s aspirations.

Sincerest gratitude to all those who contributed to the success of the electoral process, particularly to the Independent High Electoral Commission and all the staff of the polling stations.

Viva Iraq and its People!