The Permanent Representative participated in the 2018 ECOSOC Partnership Forum

On April 4th, 2018 the Iraqi Permanent Representative participated in the ECOSOC Partnership Forum 2018 at the UN Headquarters in New York.

 The Forum represented an opportunity for every stakeholder,including the private sector, to express their will to co-operate in a transparent and tangible way with a view to achieving the goal of a sustainable development by 2030. It was also an occasion to stress the importance of a participatory system aimed at including youth, women and people with disabilities, with the common goal of a more sustainable and inclusive development.

   The Forum chaired by the Deputy Secretary General Amina Mohammed and Ambassador Maria Chatardova, Chairwoman of the Economic and Social Council. The forum saw the participation of a group of Permanent Representatives, Representatives of various UN Agencies and Specialized Programs as well as representative of private sector.