Citizens who lost their passports need to do the following : 
1 . To declare that the passport has been lost, fearing that the passport is being held by the local authorities or the employer. After the issuance of the new passport , the local authorities to be informed that the old passport was canceled and need to be confiscated when found .
2 . Filling a form no. (1) of investigating the loss of the passport ,and stamped and signed by the consul .
3 . The Applicant should bring a letter from the police or the residence department includes passport number and date of entry.
4 . loss of passport should be publicized in a local newspaper.
5 . The loser should write down his testimony before the consul about how he lost the passport with all information concerning the lost passport and to be signed by the consul .
6 . The loser should verify his Iraqi citizenship.
7 . Four modern color images.
8 . All the aforementioned documents to be compared with the records of the Embassy if the lost passport was issued by the embassy.
9 . Community form should be filled with the required personal information.
10 . His testimony should be sent with the attachments to the Directorate of Passports to obtain approval for the issuance of a new passport.
11 . The Consular Department shall inform all Iraqi missions abroad with the loss of the passport for the purpose of informing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the countries they are accreted in, to prevent use by suspect parties.