First – Birth Certificates:
After making sure of the new born father’s Iraqi citizenship , the Consular Section at the Embassy, according to Article V of the Law on registration of births and deaths No. (148) of 1971, registers the birth and issues a birth certificate based on the Arab and foreign birth certificate approved from the competent authorities in that country, including the ratification by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in four copies:

1-The white copy: for the Department of Civil Status.
2-The red copy: for the applicant.
3-The green or yellow copy: for the computer.
4-The blue copy: a copy to be saved at the Consular Division.

The copy of Civil Status and copy of Computer to be sent to the Ministry of Health / Department of health and life Statistics attached with a copy of the birth of Arab or foreign certificate ratified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the country of the Mission’s work and a copy of the Civil Status Card of the father or brother or unmarried sister or the mother whose husband’s name installed in identity in the first political mail. The birth certificate is organized once at the time of birth and in the case of the need for extra copies the related people can go to Bureau of health and life Statistics in the Ministry of Health for the purpose of issuing a copy of registering the birth which contains all the information recorded in the birth certificate and the number they need. The registration copy serves as a birth certificate includes all of the information recorded in the birth certificate. There are things recorded concerning the work of the consul and should not be overlooked during the organization of a birth certificate (the date of the organization of the certificate – gender of the baby – the stamp and signature of the Consul – the cell of the Civil Affairs Department).(The letter of the consular department, No. (8/ 4 / 22/65506 15 / 2 /2010). And the letter of Ministry of Health / Department of Planning and Resource Development / Department of health and life Statistics No. 55 243 on 13 / 12 /2007).

– The practical procedures required for the issuance of birth and death certificates:
1-It is necessary for the father of the child to be present in the Consular Section of the Embassy, if not , the marriage contract should be among the required documents to prove paternity of the child (perhaps that the child’s father does not accept registering his child in his name).
2- The consular section should fill in all the required cells of the forms of birth and death certificates.
3- Information for the Civil Status is taken from the identity of the father’s Civil Status (page – records – department of civil status- the province) and if this is not possible, the dictated information would base on information provided by his father.
4- Registering the date of mother’s birth in the hour of birth event and not the date of organizing the certificate.
5- The adoption of a birth or death certificate issued by the missions will not be taken in case there is a difference in the names between birth certificate or death certificate (Arabic or foreign) and what is recorded in the Civil Status Card provided by the citizen. (The Letter of Consular Department, No. 6 / 4 /22/ 8920 on 27 / 2 / 2011).
Note (a) : – At the birth of an Iraqi child abroad his family submits to the mission a statement of birth issued by the authority in the country in which the birth occurred certified by the competent authorities during the two months from the date of birth, if it is late they must pay a fine of ten thousand Iraqi dinars equivalent ($ 8.50 ) as a fee of delay of registration (Our letter No. 64 161 on 4 / 2 /2009) and under receipt ( 37 a) on the basis of Article V of registering the births and deaths number ( 148 ) of 1971 as amended. (Letter of Consular Department, No. 8 / 4 / 21/64161 4 / 2 /2009).
(B): – It is not permissible to adopt citizenship certificate or passport for the issuance of a birth or death certificate as they do not have the registration of the number of the page and the record so only Civil Status (ID).is adopted.

Document of Birth:

It is an official document issued by the personal status courts according to the provisions of the law of registration of births and deaths No. (148) for the year 1971 amended and it serves as a birth certificate for children or people who did not get a certificate from an authorized official during birth because they were not born at an empowered hand to organize birth certificate (for example, inside the hospital or authorized midwife) or other reasons. The document of birth is not authorized for the consul for it exclusively authorized to the judiciary and the consul cannot release it only after authorization from the judge of personal status and it has many complexities there is no room for touching it.