The Ambassador Meets The Vice-Chairman Of The Delegation For Relations With Iraq In The European Parliament

Ambassador Sadiq Al-Rikabi met on 12/12/2019, at the European Parliament Headquarter  in Brussels, the Spanish MEP (Domènec RUIZ DEVESA),Vice chair  of  The Delegation For Relations With Iraq In The European Parliament

During the meeting, they discussed cooperation prospects between the two sides and ways to enhance the work of  the Delegation to develop bilateral relations and implement mutual obligations stipulated  in the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between Iraq and the European Union.

The latest developments in Iraq were also discussed, MEP DEVESA stressed the importance of the Iraqi government’s response to the legitimate demands of the demonstrators and to respect their right to peaceful demonstration, indicating that he personally supports the leading Iraqi experience in the Middle East region and understands the challenges facing this experience. He also stressed that through his position he will support Iraq in all  European  institutions and will work to host a cultural activity for Iraq at the headquarters of the European Parliament. He also expressed his desire to visit Iraq to get to know the country and evaluate the situation.

From his side  Ambassador Al-Rikabi pointed out the important role played by The Delegation For Relations With Iraq In The European Parliament and the need to work together  to ensure that different views are heard on the situation in Iraq, and not to rely on media sources only.  His Excellency explained the reasons for the demonstrations and the legitimacy of the demands advocated by the demonstrators, He regretted loss of lives amongst the demonstrators and the security forces, stressing that these demonstrations and the results that followed confirm the validity of the democratic approach being pursued by Iraq and that the new political system in Iraq, and he stressed that it is an effective system and the people can have the constitutional mechanisms to reform the political process, he also pointed out the  responsibilities of government and  parliament, Finally he confirmed the  need of  Iraq to the   European support in political, economic and institutional fields.