Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Meets UN Under Secretary General and Affirms Iraq’s Support for UNRWA

On Tuesday, September 10, 2024, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mr. Fuad Hussein met with Mr. Philippe Lazzarini, Under Secretary General of the United Nations and Commissioner General of UNRWA, on the sidelines of the 162nd Arab Ministerial Meeting at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Arab League.

Mr. Lazzarini extended his thanks and appreciation to His Excellency Minister Hussein, and through him to the Government of the Republic of Iraq, for its continued moral and material support to UNRWA, which represents the public services sector for the Palestinian people. He pointed out that the Agency faces an unprecedented challenge as a result of the destruction of more than two-thirds of its buildings.

Minister Fuad Hussein affirmed that Iraq continues to support the Palestinian people and supports the role of UNRWA in providing assistance. The two parties agreed on the importance of the meeting during the work of the United Nations General Assembly scheduled to be held this month, to enhance coordination and joint work in the interest of the Palestinian people.