Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Gives Iraq’s Speech at 8th Brussels Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mr. Fuad Hussein, gave Iraq’s speech at the 8th Brussels Conference on ‘Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region’, which was held in Brussels on May 27, 2024. 
In his speech, the Minister thanked the European Union for organizing the conference, and emphasized the importance of joining the international community efforts to resolve the Syrian crisis that has been ongoing for 14 years and stop its repercussions, in light of the current global crises. Minister Hussein stressed the need to end the human suffering of the Syrian people, especially the displaced, indicating that the Syrian crisis has broad impacts that extend beyond Syria to neighboring countries and even Europe, the Minister also spoke of terrorist organizations exploiting the deteriorating humanitarian conditions, in youth recruitment, additionally he recalled that the Syrian crisis requires a peaceful political solution, and  in conformity with Security Council Resolution No. 2254, which guarantees the Syrian people a dignified and safe life, Minister Hussein added that Iraq provided various forms of assistance to the Syrianh people, and hosted nearly 250,000 officially registered Syrian refugees, and provided them with the necessary support in cooperation with United Nations agencies. The Minister referred to Iraq’s efforts to repatriate Iraqi citizens from Al Hawl and Al Roj camps, calling on the international community to assume its responsibilities towards the camps that house families of the Dae’sh terrorist organization, affirming the importance of rehabilitating these people and integrating them into their communities of orgin. In his speech the Minister announced that Iraq is working towards holding a meeting of the Arab Ministerial Liaison Committee in Baghdad, with the aim of finding a solution to the Syrian crisis in accordance with the “step-by-step” approach, and pledged to continue supporting talks within the framework of the Astana process and the Quartet meetings between Syria and Turkey.

Minister Fuad Hussein, concluded his speech by emphasizing Iraq’s aspiration to produce results that strengthen national, regional and international efforts to stop the human suffering of the Syrian people and reach a comprehensive solution to the crisis, which gives Syrians hope for a better future.