Head of Protocol Department meet the Jordanian Ambassador to Baghdad

Acting Head of the Protocol Department, Dr. Ali Shamran Hajim, met the Jordanian Ambassador to Baghdad, Mr. Monstaser Al-Zoubi, and the Consul General in Erbil Government, Mr. Fuad Al-Majali.
Mr. Hajim affirmed the protocol department’s readiness to provide all support and facilities to the Jordanian mission to ensure the success of its work in a manner that serves the two countries.
The Head of the Protocol Department received the papers of the consular acquittal of Mr. Majali, the Jordanian Consul General in Erbil, wishing him success in his new assignment.
For his part, the Ambassador expressed his great gratitude for the good reception and hospitality and the facilities and support provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs/ Protocol Department to the Jordanian mission operating in the Republic of Iraq.