Foreign Ministry Celebrates 80 Years of Diplomatic Relations with Russia

On Thursday, September 12, 2024, the Iraqi Foreign Ministry organized at it’s headquarters a celebration on the 80th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Russia and Iraq.

The Foreign Ministry Undersecretary for Bilateral Relations delivered a speech on behalf of Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein, in which he expressed his pride in the historical relations between the two countries, stressing that Russia has played an active role in supporting Iraq over the past eight decades through cooperation in major projects, sharing technical and scientific expertise, and enhancing cultural exchange. He added that these relations reflected a shared commitment to achieve sustainable development and prosperity for the peoples of the two countries, referring in particular to the great support Russia provided to Iraq after 2003, especially in confronting terrorism. 

The Undersecretary concluded by stressing that the current challenges requires more cooperation and solidarity between Iraq and Russia.

On his part the Russian Ambassador to Iraq Mr. Elbrus Kutrashev commended the depth of bilateral relations between the two friendly countries and the convergence of views on international and regional issues. Additionally Ambassador Kutrashev affirmed that the relations between Baghdad and Moscow is based on the principle of respecting mutual interests, indicating that Iraq represents a strategic partner for Russia in the region.

The celebration included a documentary on the history of bilateral relations between Iraq and Russia and the development of these relations over the years, highlighting the milestones of joint cooperation, in addition to presenting a cultural performance from the Russian heritage.