Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Receives US Ambassador to Discuss Regional and International Developments

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mr. Fuad Hussein received US Ambassador to Iraq Ms. Alina L. Romanowski, on Saturday, August 31, 2024. 

The meeting discussed the ongoing negotiations on a ceasefire in Gaza and delivering assistance especially medical aid to the Strip. They also pointed out to the military operation carried out in the Anbar desert which resulted in the neutralization of 15 Da’esh terrorists. Minister Fuad Minister commended the joint cooperation between the Iraqi and American forces and the success of this important operation.

The two sides also touched on the conference of the Global Coalition Against Da’esh scheduled to be held in Washington early next month, and Iraq’s participation in it. It is worth recalling that this coalition includes 87 partners and was mainly established to combat Da’esh terrorist organization in Iraq and Syria, as well the conference will be convened at the level of foreign ministers of the participating countries.

Additionally the meeting dealt with the UN General Assembly meetings which will be  held next month, and will be attended by dozens of world leaders, as well they discussed the role of the two countries in these meetings and the required coordination between them to hold bilateral meetings on the sideline’s of their participating delegations in New York.