Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Meets his Tunisian Counterpart to Enhance Bilateral Relations and Discuss International Issues

On Wednesday, August 28, 2024. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mr. Fuad Hussein met with Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Mr. Mohamed Ali Nafti in Tunisia. Minister Fuad Hussein congratulated his Tunisian counterpart on his appointment as Tunisia’s Foreign Minister. 

The meeting dealt with bilateral relations between the two countries and ways to enhance them, in addition to coordinating on the current international issues and challenges facing the present stage.

Additionally both Ministers emphasized on the importance of following up the outcomes of the Iraqi-Tunisian Committee, which was held in Baghdad last May, as well following up on the implementation of the memorandums of understanding that were signed during the work of the joint committee between the two countries.

‎Minister Hussein thanked the Tunisian side for the facilities provided concerning granting entry visas for Iraqis to Tunisia, in addition both sides discussed the possibility of increasing the number of flights between the two countries, and the need to develop trade relations and cooperation in the cultural and educational fields, including providing scholarships.

The two sides also discussed preparations for holding the next joint committee meetings in Tunisia, affirming the need to continue cooperation and joint work to strengthen relations between the two countries across all fields.