Foreign Ministry Organizes a Remembrance Under Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Patronage to Highlight Da’esh Crimes Against Yazidis and Other Components

Under the patronage and attendance of Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mr. Fuad Hussein, the Human Rights Department organized an introductory Remembrance entitled “Dae’sh crimes against the Yazidis and other components (Turkmen, Shabak, and Christians) as crimes of genocide and crimes against humanity”, on Sunday, August 18, 2024. at the Foreign Ministry’s headquarters.

Minister Fuad Hussein delivered a speech on this occasion, in which he stressed that the national and human conscience will not forget the crimes committed by Da’esh terrorist organization, referring to the Iraqi government’s continued support and its relentless efforts to ensure the voluntary and dignified return, in safe conditions, of the displaced Yazidis and other Iraqis who were forced to migrate due to war and terrorism. At the end of his speech the Minister stressed the commitment of the Foreign Ministry to to shed the light on the genocide that this component and other Iraqi components were subjected to by Da’esh terrorist gangs, pledging to provide all necessary support to achieve justice for the victims and their families. 

The Remembrance included speeches by the Prime Minister’s Advisor for Human Rights Dr. Zidane Khalaf, and the Director General of the General Directorate for Survivors’ Affairs Ms. Sarab Elias, in addition to a speech by Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Iraq for Political Affairs and Electoral Assistance Mr. Claudio Cordone. It also included a panel discussion with three survivors who revealed their human suffering as a result of the terrorist practices of Da’esh, and extended their thanks for the efforts of the Iraqi government attempting to return them to their original areas of residence, and compensate them financially. 

At the end of the event the Minister presented appreciation gifts to the three survivors who participated in the event expressing his appreciation for their courage in attending and exposing the terrorist crimes.