Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Receives a phone call from Secretary General of Palestine Liberation Organization’s Executive Committee

On Saturday, July 27, 2024, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mr. Fuad Hussein received a phone call from Secretary General of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization Mr. Hussein Al Sheikh.

As part of the call Mr. Al Sheikh conveyed the greetings of the Palestinian leadership and thanked the Iraqi government for its firm stance on the Palestinian issue and the financial support provided to UNRWA and Al Quads Empowerment Fund. He also commended the efforts of Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister for mobilizing the support of Arab foreign ministers, as well his ongoing call for supporting the Palestinian cause, including the support for the International Court of Justice in The Hague decision regarding Gaza. In addition Secretary General Al Sheikh stressed the Palestinian government’s demand for a joint stance from Arab foreign ministers to support the ceasefire and end the war on the Gaza Strip.

On his part Minister Fuad Hussein affirmed that Iraq’s financial support and joint mediations are a duty towards the Palestinian issue in all fields, expressing his full readiness for joint support with the relevant ministers to unify efforts and organize coordination.

Additionally the Minister highlighted the importance of holding a meeting at the United Nations General Assembly in New York next September, to carry out an organized campaign by connecting with other countries in order to stop the war on the Gaza Strip immediately, while emphasizing the need to protect civilians and deliver humanitarian aid to the Strip without obstacles.