Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Receives Copies of Credentials of Ambassadors of Turkey, Serbia, Somalia, Malawi, South Africa, Slovenia and Georgia 

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein, received copies of the credentials of the Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia Branislav Žeželj, the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey Mr. Anil Bora Inan, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Somalia Ridwan Hirsi Mohamed, in addition to the non resident Ambassador of the Republic of Malawi Yunus Abdul Karim, non-resident Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa Tselane Mokuena, non-resident Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia Gorazd Rencelj, and non-resident Ambassador of the Republic of Georgia Archil Dzuliashvili, at the Ministry’s headquarters in Baghdad, on Wednesday, June 26, 2024. 

During meeting the Ambassadors separately, the Minister stressed that Iraq’s foreign policy is based on establishing balanced strong relations, founded on strengthening cooperation in all fields. Minister Hussein wished the new Ambassadors success in performing their new duties, expressing the Foreign Ministry readiness to provide the necessary support to ensure success of their work in Iraq in a way that enhances friendly relations and joint cooperation between Iraq and their countries, expressing his desire to open resident embassies in Iraq in the near future.

On their part, the Ambassadors extended their thanks and appreciation to the Minister, expressing their aspiration to further enhance their countries’ relations with Iraq across various areas, in a way that strengthens bilateral relations.