Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Receives Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs of Organization of Islamic Cooperation

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mr. Fuad Hussein, received the Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Ambassador Yousef Al Dubaie, On Tuesday, June 4, 2024. During the meeting they reviewed relations between the Republic of Iraq and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, in addition to exchanging views on enhancing cooperation at the regional and international levels, in a way that serves the common interests of the peoples of Islamic countries.

Additionally, Minister Hussein stressed the importance of the organization’s role in addressing the great challenges facing the Islamic countries, underlining the necessity of activating joint and effective action to achieve its goals and the aspirations of the peoples of its member states, expressing the readiness of the Iraqi government to provide full support to complete the procedures for reopening the organization’s regional office in Baghdad. 
On his part the Assistant Secretary General, thanked His Excellency Minister Fuad Hussein, for the unlimited support that Iraq provides to the organization, praising the role that Iraq plays in formulating its policies.