Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Discusses Bilateral Relations with his Chinese Counterpart in Beijing

On Wednesday, May 29, 2024. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mr. Fuad Hussein, held discussions with Mr. Wang Yi, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China, on the sidelines of the 10th ministerial Conference of the Chinese-Arab States Cooperation Forum in Beijing. During the meeting China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi, reiterated his welcoming of accepting the invitation to visit Iraq, as well as holding the joint Iraqi-Chinese committee meeting scheduled to be held in Baghdad.

The meeting discussed several bilateral matters of common concern between both countries, including political, economic and military issues, as China is Iraq’s first trading partner and one of the largest importers of Iraqi crude oil, and it has a large number of companies working in various fields to promote the Iraqi economic situation.

Minister Fuad Hussein, touched on the Development Road project launched by the government of Iraq, which links Iraq from Al Faw port to Turkey and Europe in the north, and the possibility of aligning this strategic project with the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, which Iraq joined in 2015.
In addition to Minister Hussein stressed the Iraqi government’s efforts to diversify the sources of the economy in the fields of agriculture and religious tourism, calling on Chinese companies to invest in the field of alternative energy and gas, indicating that Iraq will play an important role in investing in associated gas.
They also reviewed banking and financial cooperation between the two countries, as well as China’s support for Iraq in obtaining financial funding for investment in infrastructure projects from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, especially in the projects of the Development Road. Both sides praised diplomatic efforts of opening the Iraqi Consulate General in Guangzhou, and the Chinese Consulate in Basra, as well as welcoming the opening of Beijing-Baghdad route of the Iraqi Airways. Minister Wang Yi, stressed China’s continued support for Iraq’s efforts to preserve its sovereignty, develop its economy, and in the field of combating terrorism and rejecting all foreign interference. He also expressed his confidence that Iraq will provide security guarantees to Chinese institutions, companies and individuals working in Iraq.
On his part Minister Hussein stressed the continued cooperation in mutual support between the two countries in the nomination for international positions, noting to Iraq’s important role in improving relations between the countries of the region, especially in the convergence of views between Saudi Arabia and Iran, appreciating the Chinese efforts on all pivotal issues, including the Palestinian issue and its decisions.