Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Minister and His Counterpart, His Excellency Minister Nabil Ammar, Inaugurates Iraqi-Tunisian Businessmen Forum in Baghdad.

On Saturday, May 11, 2024. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mr. Fuad Hussein, and his counterpart, H.E Minister of Foreign Affairs, Immigration, and Tunisians Abroad Mr. Nabil Ammar, inaugurated the Iraqi-Tunisian Businessmen Forum in Baghdad.
Minister Hussein delivered a speech at the forum, in which he welcomed his counterpart, His Excellency the Minister and Chairman of the Joint Committee on the Tunisian side, convened in Baghdad in its 17th Session, expressing his thanks to the businessmen in both countries for their exerted efforts and preparation to hold this forum, which will be in the interest of both countries.
The Minister stated that this forum emphasize the serious efforts of the two governments to strengthen the ties that bring Iraq and Tunisia together across various fields, including economic ones, which have become a priority in advancing development in the two countries.
Minister Hussein also indicated that the Iraqi government attached great importance to the economy and the role of the private sector in its program, in addition to it took steps to create a suitable and attractive environment for investors and businessmen, as well as providing guarantees to the private sector, and the role played by the Iraqi Fund for Development in supporting this sector by implementing vital projects in various fields.
In addition to Minister Fuad Hussien, emphasized in his speech on the Iraqi government’s keenness and readiness to provide all possible support and facilities required for creating the appropriate environment for businessmen, stressing the importance of strengthening economic relations between the Iraqi and Tunisian private sectors, calling for the presence of Tunisian investment companies with experience and competence to ensure the smooth flow of their business in the Iraqi market and to contribute in the promising investment opportunities that enhance the mutual interests between the two countries.
On his part, the Foreign Minister of Tunisia Mr. Nabil Ammar, extended his thanks to Minister Hussein for his participation in this forum, which includes an elite group of economic actors from both countries, as an essential partner in supporting the efforts of the two countries to enhance bilateral cooperation relations and promote them, stressing that the holding of this forum in the capital, Baghdad, reflects the great importance that the Iraqi and Tunisian governments attach to the private sector as a fundamental source in supporting the cooperation process between Tunisia and Baghdad in its various commercial and investment fields, especially in light of what the two brotherly countries abounds with to establish new partnerships with mutual motivation to serve the strategic development goals of the two peoples.
In addition to Minister Nabil Ammar, indicated that regional and international changes require the two countries, more than ever before, to unite their efforts and enhance their joint work to reach the stage of effective economic partnership by improving the investment climate for Iraq and Tunisia.