Undersecretary for Multilateral and Legal Affairs Delivers Iraq’s Speech at 15th Organization of Islamic Cooperation Summit

Foreign Ministry Undersecretary for Multilateral and Legal Affairs Mr. Omer Al Berzinji delivered Iraq’s speech at the 15th Organization of Islamic Cooperation Summit in Banjul, Republic of the Gambia, from May 4 to 5, with the participation of heads of state and government and representatives of the 57 member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

During his speech Undersecretary Al Berzinji affirmed Iraq’s full adherence to the spirit, principles and goals of OIC stressing Iraq’s commitment to strengthening the role of the organization amid the current intense international competition, calling on Islamic countries to overcome their internal differences and cooperate closely and productively to confront the combined threats represented by the geopolitical conflict facing the organization countries and the harmful effects of climate change, the loss of biodiversity, desertification, water scarcity, and the worsening of sand storms, Mr. Al Berzinji emphasized the importance of genuine solidarity among member states across various political, economic, social, and humanitarian fields, in a way that transcends the restrictions and complexities, indicating that dialogue and cooperation between the countries of the organization is the best way to coordinate the situation and achieve Stability and prosperity for the peoples of our Islamic nation, reiterating Iraq’s firm and principled stance towards the Palestinian issue and its consistent standing with the Palestinian people, in addition to its full support for their struggle in exercising their inalienable national rights, including ending the occupation, self-determination and establishing its independent state over its entire occupied territories with Al Quds Al Sharif as its capital, demanding the international community to assume its moral and legal responsibilities, and put an end to the ongoing genocides committed by the Israeli occupation forces in the Gaza Strip.