Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Meets Malaysian Minister of Higher Education

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mr. Fuad Hussein met with the Malaysian Minister of Education Mr. Zambry Abdul Kadir on Friday, March 1, 2024, on the sidelines of the Third Antalya Diplomacy Forum. During the meeting, they discussed ways of deepening bilateral relations between the two countries in various areas, especially collaboration on education. Minister Hussein indicated the necessity to provide support and attention to Iraqi students in Malaysian universities, in addition to reviewing providing training courses for Iraqi diplomatic staff by the Malaysian side.

Both ministers discussed the upcoming visit of the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister to Kuala Lumpur, upon the invitation extended to them by their counterparts in the Malaysian government.

The regional situation and the war on Gaza were also discussed, as well expressing their deep concern by the tragedy suffered by the Palestinian people, which has become an international and humanitarian issue for the whole world and not just the Middle East.