Chargé d’Affaires to UN Delivers Iraq’s Speech at Security Council Meeting on Secretary-General’s Report Concerning UNAMI 

The Chargé d’Affaires ad interim of Iraq’s Permanent mission to the United Nations in New York Dr. Abbas Kadhim Obaid participated in the Security Council Briefing meeting on February 6, 2024, to discuss the Report of the Secretary-General on the Implementation of resolution 2682 (2023), the meeting was attended by Ms. Jeanine Plasschaert, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Iraq and head of United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq UNAMI.
Dr. Obaid, delivered Iraq’s speech at the session, in which he referred to the diplomatic efforts exerted by Iraq at regional and international levels, as well as the local efforts to raise living standards and security, by combating poverty, unemployment, corruption, and paying attention to development and strategic projects, as well as combating desertification, water scarcity, and environmental challenges, spotlighting the accomplishment of the provincial council elections postponed since 2013, and elections in the city of Kirkuk, which represented “a mini-Iraq with its diverse components.”
The Chargé d’Affaires stressed the necessity for not exporting internal problems abroad, stressing that Iraq called for an end to the war on Gaza, the necessity of facilitating the entry of humanitarian aid, and the importance of not expanding the scope of the conflict, he also stressed that Iraq continues to cooperate in tracking down the sources of funding for terrorist networks, condemning American, Turkish, and Iranian violations for the sovereignty and security of Iraq under false excuses, which led to the martyrdom of civilians and damage to public and private property, pointing out that Iraq is working to achieve sustainable development goals by 2030 and focusing on infrastructure and clean energy.