
In fulfillment of its national obligations and in line with the growing capacity and efficiency of the Iraqi forces the Iraqi government in conjunction with the government of the United States of America, announces the success of the ongoing negotiation between the two sides, which started in August 2023 and concluded with the necessity of launching the Higher Military Committee (HMC) at the level of working groups to evaluate the threat and danger of Daesh, and the situational and operational requirements, in addition to strengthening of the capabilities of the Iraqi security forces, in order to put a specific and clear timeline that specifies the duration of the presence of the Global coalition’s advisors in Iraq, as well as starting the gradual and deliberate reduction for its advisors on the Iraqi ground, ending the military mission of the coalition against Daesh, and move to comprehensive bilateral relations with the coalition countries politically, economically, culturally, and on the security and military levels, consistent with the vision of the Iraqi government and in particularly the Strategic Framework Agreement, which regulates the relations between Iraq and the United States of America comprehensively, in addition reflects the common desire for cooperation between the two countries in a way that achieves the interests of both countries and contributes to strengthening Iraq’s regional and international role, to be given its rightful place historically, as well to build the best relations with the international community to serve the interests and aspirations of the Iraqi people.

The two sides express their support for the work of the committee, facilitating its tasks, and refraining anything that obstructs or delays its work. Therefore maintaining the committee’s course of action and its success in achieving its mission is a national interest, and contributing to preserve the stability of Iraq and the region. The government call on not to halt, falter, or disrupt the work of this committee, and to avoid destabilizing Iraq’s stability to achieve own objectives.

Iraq reiterate its commitment to the safety of the Global Coalition’s advisors during the negotiation period in all parts of the country, and maintains stability and prevent escalation. In addition the government confirms its welcoming of this agreement and consider it part of its loyalty to fulfilling the government program and the obligations it committed to before the people.

Iraqi Foreign Ministry
January 25, 2024