Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Meets Director General of International Atomic Energy Agency

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mr. Fuad Hussein met with Director General of International Atomic Energy Agency Mr. Rafael Mariano Grossi, at the Agency’s headquarters in Vienna on January 22, 2024. The meeting was attended by Permanent representative to the International Atomic Agency Ambassador Bakr Fattah Hussein. During the meeting they discussed prospects for cooperation between Iraq and the Agency, ways to enhance them to achieve the development goals that Iraq aspires to, in several areas related to the peaceful uses of atomic energy and the Agency’s pivotal role in supporting member states in this regard.

In the same context, Minister Hussein stressed the importance of building constructive relations with the agency particularly at this stage, especially in light of Iraq’s endeavor to build a peaceful society and play a pivotal role based on establishing good and peaceful relations with the countries of the region, the Minister invited the Director General to visit Iraq in the near future for enhancing cooperation between Iraq and the International Atomic Energy Agency.

On his part, Director General extended his thanks to the Minister, welcoming his invitation to visit Baghdad and expressing his aspiration to work with Iraq in using nuclear technology and benefiting from it in several fields, especially those related to health, and working to treat cancer within the initiative of the Director General of the Agency. “Rays of hope.” He also stressed that the agency is looking forward to a new Iraq and a promising new generation that seeks to move forward in developing its technical and technological capabilities and benefiting from the development of its human resources and infrastructure.