Foreign Ministry Hosts a Meeting to Discuss the Water Situation in Iraq

The Foreign Ministry hosted a meeting, chaired by the Undersecretary for Multilateral and Legal Affair Mr. Omer Al- Berzinji, to discuss the water situation in Iraq, with the participation of the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture, Water and Marshes Mr. Faleh Hassan Al-Khazali, and a number of specialists in the Water resources Ministry, Ambassadors, Heads of relevant Foreign Ministry’s Departments on January 10, 2024.
During the meeting Mr. Al-Berzinji indicated that the Foreign Ministry and through the competent Departments and diplomatic Missions, continues to coordinate with neighboring countries and urge them to provide Iraq water shares in accordance with joint agreements and international law. Both Mr. Al-Khazali and the Water Resources Ministry Undersecretary for Technical affairs, reviewed Topics related to the water issues and the drop in water reserves as a result of the decreasing in water supplies from neighboring countries, and the measures taken by the government in addressing these issues, including joint technical committees’ meetings with neighboring countries, and the necessary future steps in dealing with the water crisis.