Chargé d’Affaires ad Interim of the Republic of Iraq in Mexico City Meets Mexican Minister of Culture

Chargé d’Affaires of the Republic of Iraq in Mexico, Dr Ali Essam Abd Ali, has met the Minister of Culture of Mexico, Ms Alejandra Frausto.
During the meeting, they discussed ways to open prospects for coordination and cooperation between the two friendly countries, and the possibility of exchanging experiences, especially with regard to specialists in the field of archaeological excavation, and preservation, which are a focus of the two countries’ interest.
The charge d’affaires ad interim, Dr Ali Essam, affirmed that cultural relations can play an important role in developing the relations between countries along with political, economic and trade relations, which are important means of increasing rapprochement and acquaintance between countries and achieving dialogue and peace as well, stating that Iraq and Mexico have ties and commonalities, explaining that the Mesopotamian civilization is more than 7000 years old, and the Mayan civilization in Mexico dates back to more than 2600 years BC, confirming that cultural relations between the two friendly countries can be launched from this cultural heritage.
On her part, Ms Frausto has emphasized the need to enhance the cultural exchange between Mexico and Iraq, where the cradle of civilizations, and stated that the Ministry of Culture has a genuine desire to build bridges and adopt an action plan of in this area.
She added that culture is the real soft power, and a tool for building peace and peaceful societies that restore trust and cannot be taken away easily.