The Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Tokyo Holds a Seminar on History and Civilization of Iraq and the Iraqi-Japanese Relations

The Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Tokyo held a seminar on the history and civilization of Iraq and the Iraqi-Japanese relations in cooperation with the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Iraq and Japan, in the presence of a number of representatives of diplomatic missions in Japan, representatives of Japanese companies, and former Japanese Ambassador to Iraq, Mr. Fumio Iwai, and a large number of Japanese people interested in Iraqi civilization.
The Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq to Tokyo, Mr. Khalil Ismail Al-Moussawi, gave a speech in which he welcomed the attendees, wishing Japan-Iraq relations further progress and prosperity stating that the most important characteristic of Iraq’s relations with Japan from other developed countries is the great respect that the Japanese attach to Iraq and its history and civilizations, and the great contributions Iraq has made to mankind. The experience of Japanese companies in Iraq, which began since the sixties of the last century, makes them participate smoothly in Iraqi projects without hindrance, where more than 28 vital strategic projects are funded by Japan since 2003 and this is an indicator that the two countries are moving towards activating economic partnership.
On the level of academic exchanges, the two countries have succeeded in the past few years in signing several memorandums of understanding and cooperation for academic and research exchange between Baghdad University, Mustansiriya University and a number of Japanese universities. Professor Oguchi of the University of Kokushikan, the Center for the Study of Ancient Iraq, also gave an important and influential lecture on some of Nimrod’s treasures in the historic city of Mosul, which was admired by the audience.